Monday, September 25, 2006


Hush now, don't you cry
Wipe away the teardrop from your eye
You're lying safe in bed
It was all a bad dream
Spinning in your head

Your mind tricked you to feel the pain
Of someone close to you leaving the game
of life
So here it is, another chance
Wide awake you face the day
Your dream is over... or has it just begun?

There's a place I like to hide
A doorway that I run through in the night
Relax child, you were there
But only didn't realize it a
nd you were scaredI
t's a place where you will learn
To face your fears, retrace the years
And ride the whims of your mind

Commanding in another worldS
uddenly you hear and see
This magic new dimension
I- will be watching over you
I- am gonna help you see it through
I- will protect you in the night
I- am smiling next to you, in Silent Lucidity

[spoken during solo](Visualize your dream)
(Record it in the present tense)
(Put it into a permanent form)
(If you persist in your efforts)
(You can achieve dream control)
(Dream control)(How's that then, better?)
(Hug me)

If you open your mind for me
You won't rely on open eyes to see
The walls you built within
Come tumbling down, and a new world will begin
Living twice at once you learn
You're safe from the pain in the dream domain
A soul set free to flyA
round trip journey in your head
Master of illusion, can
you realize
Your dream's alive, you can be the guide but...
I- will be watching over you
I- am gonna help to see it through
I- will protect you in the night
I- am smiling next to you....

...In silent lucidity


Love can take many shapes, except that of a cage....

Friday, September 22, 2006

Ouvido de passagem...

Heaven is where the police are British, the chefs are Italian,
the mechanics German, the lovers French and it is all organized
by the Swiss.
Hell is where the police are German, the chefs British, the mechanics
French, the lovers Swiss, and it is all organized by the Italian...


Some days my soul full in a way it spills, with feelings falling over the brim. Sometimes they land on paper, or on a keyboard; other times they land on friendly ears, turned into words that fly, and sing, and paint colours on their own.

On other days, however, it is full in a way that makes feelings cramp against each other, unable to leave, to fly, to fall; unable to be spoken or written about, unable even to swirl in turmoil and free themselves.

Today is one of those days, when I have a lot to be said, but no words come out of my lips; when I feel so much, but my eyes are mute; when I need so much, but my arms are empty.

Nalguns dias a minha alma está cheia de tal forma que transborda, com sentimentos a cairem borda fora. Por vezes, eles caem em cima de papel, ou num teclado; outras vezes aterram em ouvidos amigos, transformados em palavras que voam, e cantam, e pintam com as suas próprias cores.

Noutros dias, no entanto, ela está cheia de tal forma que os sentimentos se apertam uns contra os outros, incapazes de sair, de voar, de cair; incapazes de serem falados ou escritos, incapazes até de rodarem num remoinho que os projecte, libertando-os.

Hoje é um desses dias, em que tenho tanto para dizer, mas da minha boca não conseguem sair as palavras; em que sinto tanta coisa, mas os meus olhos estão vazios; em que preciso tanto, mas os meus braços estão vazios.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Prince who didn't know he was

A long, long time ago, there was a boy.
The boy crossed my path, just arrived from a distant land, one with castles where dreams were lost and crossroads where friends were found.
We talked a lot, the boy and I; about dreams and tears, monsters and fears.
I knew he was a Prince, but he didn't - I could tell.
He was the Prince of no Kingdom, reigning over no land.
It rained a lot, until he came. For days and days without end, and then night after night, it would rain, cold, bitter rain, sinking down through the skin and to the bones.
But not anymore.
Not after he came.
"It can't rain all the time"- he said. And he drove the rain away.
Little by little, the sun shone over my days, and the stars shone over my nights, and the laughter dried the tears.
And the Prince just smiled, without knowing who he was.

One day, he left, the same way he had come.l
He left, and I was too busy, swept away by the sun, and the stars, and then again by the rain and the tears, and the Prince became just a memory.
Sometimes, I even believed he had been just a dream.
The years passed.
Winters came, and springs, and warm summers, and Autumns clad in golden leaves.
And then, one day I woke up, and something new was stirring inside of me. Like a small seed, stirring, restless.
It stirred and shook, it left me no rest - until I finally understood: I needed to find the Prince.
Heaven and Earth were searched; rocks were turned, seas were parted.
"I saw him there, 2 years ago"-some said. But there I went, and he was no more.
"He was here, but just left" - said another.
The seed still stirred inside, along with fear that maybe the Prince had fallen of the Earth.
But hope never died. Winter came, and with it came the heavy rain, sudden, unexpected.
Hair and soul, all were dripping. And then, I saw him.
There he was once more, the Prince who drove away the rain.

The seed still stirrs, the seed of a pleasant smile and a sunny day.
I never embraced the Prince, though I carry a bit of him in my soul; I could never embrace him, because he is, at once, so close, and so far away.

To a real friend I've never met. :) I'm really glad that I found you again.


I have a home inside your mind
With chairs made of dreams
And beds made of hours,
Tables full of colours.
Conversations are made of silence
Jokes are made of looks
We're never bored
And the rooms are never empty.
Everyday, something new
The child is never quiet.
The cat wears heavy boots,
and speaks wisely, in silky tones.
The walls are full of nonsense,
And no one else could live there.
Only I.
I have a home inside your mind.

Welcome. Close the door.
These are happy, imaginary times.

Nightly creatures

In her soul she coul hear the bells, tolling for her own doom.
She knew it when she saw his eyes, so close, as he pinned her against the grim wall of the decaying church.
Her heart pounded in her throat, violently, shaking her veins; it pounded ominously against her head, as she pushed against the dismal granite, hoping to fade into it.
One breath.
One crushing sound.
Skin tearing. Forever.
His teeth dug into her throat, just where the heart was beating.
Her eyes ran. Her mind fled.
Coils of blood. They whispered, the drops whispered, as they left her.
She heard them sing, as they left her, she heard them rejoicing as they became part of the aeons.
She heard them...
She heard - nothing.
Fright, and panic, terror. All beyond her. There was no word for it. No thought, for it.
No... human word, for what was beyond humanity.
The trees closed in.
The world moved closer.
She turned her head, but did not move. She turned her mind.
The saint. Crying. She could see her, through the gap in the wall.
She reached out, her eyes trembled. The saint mocked her.
Nothing was holy, now.
Her veins throbbed against the cold stone, as she pushed with her hands to keep from falling.
She didn't know - she would never fall.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Porto Sounds

Isto tem andado um bocado despido de fotos, reconheço, e tive pena, pena, pena de não ter levado a máquina hoje à noite!

A ida ao concerto foi bastante imprevista, numa de "olha e tal pode ser que seja engraçado"; para começar, o cenário: Parque da Cidade by night. Amazing. Quem fez a iluminação para o concerto sabia beeemm o que estava a fazer. :) (A minha máquina...porque-raio-nao-tinha-a-minha-maquina?)
Depois...Xutos e Pontapés são sempre Xutos e Pontapés, e o Circo de Feras será sempre a minha música preferida, mas nunca a tinha ouvido tocada como hoje.
A abertura foi do Calu, as luzes estavam fantásticas, o coração entrou em sintonia com o ritmo e foi...Fantástico!

A vida nem sempre vai torta; a vida endireita-se;dei muitos passos correctos, muita coisa bateu certa, mas ainda assim... enquanto esperava no fundo da rua, pensava em ti e em que sorte era a tua...

E ainda assim, quero-te tanto.

This blog has been lacking in photos, I know, and I was really, really, really sorry that I didn't take my camera tonight!!!
We had an impromptu, out of the blue going to the concert, kind of "Hei, maybe it's fun - and then again it's free"; to begin with, there was the "stage": the City Park by night. Amazing. Whoever was responsible for the lights reaaallly knew the trade. (My camera....why-didn't-I-bring-my-camera?)
And then, Xutos e Pontapes will always be Xutos e Pontapes, and Circo de Feras will always be my fave music, and I had never heard it played like that before. Calu opening up with the drums in a grand style, the lights were amazing, the heart started to beat along with the rythm and it was...amazing!

Life isn't always bad; life does straighten up; I took a lot of right steps, a lot went right, but still... enquanto esperava, no fundo da rua, pensava em ti em que sorte era a tua...

E ainda assim, quero-te tanto.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Wild nights

There's something about the right ammount of alcohol that makes sweeter the moment when you finally lay down.
For just a fraction of a moment, all your defenses are down, all the masks scattered on the floor, and everything is genuine and pure.
Those were wise romans, who said that in vino..veritas.

Friday, September 15, 2006


Há dias estranhos, pessoas estranhas; pessoas diferentes.
E depois há noites, e pessoas, assim.
Há pessoas que já fazem parte da minha vida e do meu ser, outras que vão começando a fazer.
Há palavras divertidas que fazem sorrir, palavras leves que deixam marcas profundas, e há palavras que se recusam a sair, como estas que rodeio neste momento, ao de leve, levemente, mas que teimo em não conseguir encontrar com precisão.
Sinto-me engasgada por um turbilhão de coisas que não sei bem definir, sonhos que não sei bem apontar, desejos que não sei bem desejar.
Muito quero. Muito desejo. Muito gostava que fosse diferente.
E entretanto... flutuo.

There are strange days, strange people; different people.And then there are nights, and people, like this.There are people who are already part of my life and my being, and then there are others who are just beginning to.There are amusing words, which make you smile, light words which leave a deep mark, and there are words which refuse to come out, like these I hesitate around at this very moment, softly, lightly, stubbornly decided not to find them exactly.I feel choked by a turmoil of things that I can't quite define, dreams that I can't quite point to, desires that I can't quite desire.There is a lot I want. There is a lot I wish. There is a lot I wish to be different.And meanwhile...I float.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Ainda a natureza humana...

Some people excuse themselves too much, while others forgive themselves too little.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A Maravilhosa Natureza Humana

Estou verdadeiramente maravilhada com a natureza humana.
Passo a explicar: este blog tem despoletado as mais fantásticas reacções;e
ao passo que entre o sexo feminino estas se dividem entre espanto, agrado,
surpresa,entusiasmo, etc, já entre o sexo masculino o leque de emoções é
bem diferente! Houve quem se revisse nos textos de cariz mais sentimental,
crendo que estes se referiam a histórias antigas (wrong!); houve quem se
sentisse envaidecido por pensar que a declaração se lhes dirigia (lol...wrong!);
e houve até quem mudasse de atitude comigo, pensando que os textos teriam
sido a forma velada de verbalizar assolapadas (mas secretas) paixões actuais
(again, wrong!!).

Para os mais despistados aqui fica a verdadeira declaração (à semelhança dos
créditos dos filmes, onde diz que qualquer semelhança com a realidade é pura
ficção...): alguns dos textos são apenas textos, coisas saídas da minha cabeça e
passadas em dias ao papel, e hoje a um ecran;
Outros textos são mais que textos, são realmente declarações; mas esses, têm
os destinatários perfeitamente esclarecidos...e informados! ;)

Keep enjoying...e ainda vos digo mais!
Take my advice: if you love someone, don't think twice!

I am truly amazed with the human nature.Let me explain: this blog has harvested the most amazing reactions; and, if among the women there are reactions of astonishment, pleasure, surprise, enthusiasm, etc, among the men the range of emotions is rather different! Some have fancied themselves portrayed in the most delicate texts, believing these to be a reference to old stories (wrong!); some were proudly thinking some declarations were to them (lol..wrong!); some, even, have changed their attitude towards me, thinking the texts had been my discrete way of verbalizing my deep, secret passion for them (again,wrong!).
For those of you who weren't paying atention, here is the true declaration (Akin to credits in movies, where it says that any resemblance with reality is mere fiction); some of the texts are only texts, strange things that just managed to crawl out of my mind and were at some point committed to paper, and thereafter to a screen;Some other texts are more than texts, they are, indeed, declarations of some sort; but those, have their "victims" perfectly clear and informed of the fact! ;)
Keep enjoying, and let me tell you this! Take my advice: if you love someone, do't think twice!